Sunday, February 11, 2018

King Bird of Paradise

King Bird of Paradise in Susnguakti forest
Manokwari - West Papua
I saw King Bird of Paradise (Cicinnurus regius) for the first time when I was guiding some European tourists in Klasow valley of Sorong regency. We spent 5 days/ 4 nights exploring the lowland rainforest in search of birds, wallaby, butterflies and colorful flowers. We saw two species of birds of paradise, i.e. Lesser Birds of Paradise (Paradisaea minor), and King Bird of Paradise. Unfortunately, the sighting of King BOP was not very good because the bird was sitting on the branch of a tree above our head.
King Bird of Paradise in Susnguakti Forest
Manokwari - West Papua
When I guided a Chinese lady, and a couple from Australia in Arfak mountains of Manokwari, we were able to watch King Bird of Paradise for about one hour. It was mating season and I was able to make some pictures of the paradise bird.
The size of the bird of quite small making it more difficult for us to spot it in high tree. Fortunately, the red and white colours of the bird were significantly contrast to the surrounding green color of the leaves. To help us spot the bird, I hired young boy from the village. Usually young boy has got sharper eyes than old birdwatchers like us.
The best place in Manokwari to watch King Bird of Paradise is Susnguakti forest. It is located in the eastern region of Arfak mountains. I and local villagers built basecamp for tourists who want to watch Lesser BOP, Magnificent Riflebird, and King BOP. Visitors usually spend 3 days/ 2 nights in the forest of Susnguakti to watch these paradise birds and other wild animals that live in lower montane forest of Arfak mountains. written by Charles Roring

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