Monday, February 26, 2018

Birds in Love

Golden Myna in Klasow Valley
Birds are very romantic when they are in love. I have seen some of them when I guided visitors on birdwatching tours in several rainforest areas of West Papua.
When I was in Klasow valley, I saw a couple of Golden Myna (Mino anais) kissing or cuddling each other on a branch of a dead tree. I walked slowly trying to hide myself under the cover of shrubs and other green plants. They were not afraid of me when I aimed my camera at them. I was able to make a lot of pictures of them. The one in this blog was my best shot.
Sulphur Crested Cockatoo (Cacatua galerita)
Sulphur Crested Cockatoo (Cacatua galerita) is a species of bird that is beautiful and can be seen in lowland and lower montane forest of West Papua and its surrounding islands. The bird has got white feather with yellow crest above its head. While I was guiding a French couple in Mesirrokow river of Manokwari, I was able to see a loving couple that was sitting close to each other on a branch of a tree just above the river. They saw us but did not fly away when we walked along the riverside below them. When we were already behind them, I stopped, turned around and took some pictures of them.
Pink-spotted Fruit Dove
Another birds in love couple that I like to present in this post is Pink-spotted Fruit Dove (Ptilinopus perlatus). I saw these birds near the guesthut of Klasow valley. The male and female looked the same. I was guiding some birdwatchers in the lowland forest of Sorong regency at that time. The birds were preparing for a nest because the female bird was carrying eggs. When I returned to the valley again, I could determined the female bird had laid her eggs. I could only hear their sounds. The nest was located in higher branches blocked by leaves and twigs. The bird was also seen at Mesirrokow river - the lowland forest of Manokwari. I was guiding three French tourists. We saw the Pink-spotted Fruit Dove and Lowland Peltop at the same time.
Pinon Imperial Pigeon in lowland forest of Sorong
Pinon Imperial Pigeon (Ducula pinon) lives in lowland and lower montane forest of New Guinea. The feather is mostly brown. Its tail is black with very visible white stripe near its tip. I saw a couple of these birds after watching Lesser Birds of Paradise. I was guiding an Australian couple at that time.
Birding Optics
Watching birds in the forest  is a facinating activity. The birdwatching experience will be greatly enhanced if visitors bring high quality birding devices as binoculars and spotting scopes. I highly recommend Nikon EDG 8×42 mm binoculars and a pair of sturdy Swarovski SLC 10×42 mm binoculars that are suitable for all weather condition. Visitors who go birdwatching without proper birding optics will find their trips only as ordinary sightseeing tours
Written by Charles Roring

Saturday, February 17, 2018

Yellow-billed Kingfisher

Yellow-billed Kingfisher lives in lowland and lower montane forest of West Papua. Here is a photograph of a couple of the birds that I saw when I was guiding a Chinese lady and an Australian couple in Klasow valley. We spent 5 days exploring the tropical rainforest of Sorong regency in search of Lesser Birds of Paradise, King Bird of Paradise, Magnificent Riflebird and Twelve-wired Bird of Paradise.
Klasow valley is located in Sorong regency and can be reached by a 4WD car.
Yellow-billed Kingfisher
During the birdwatching trip in Klasow valley, we also saw Palm Cockatoo, Northern Cassowary, Pinon Imperial Pigeon.
We were very lucky to see the courtship dance of King Bird of Paradise. Actually, it was also the mating season of Yellow-billed Kingfisher. So, we had the opportunities to watch the birds several times. by Charles Roring

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Spangled Drongo

This is a picture of Spangled Drongo that I saw in tropical rainforest of Klasow valley. The valley is located in Sorong regency of West Papua province of Indonesia. The birds can easily be recognized by their forked tails and black feather. They eat insect and small vertebrates.
Spangled Drongo
I also often see the Spangled Drongo when I go birdwatching in Waigeo island of Raja Ampat, and in Lowland Forest of Manokwari.

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Beach Kingfisher

I often go to Raja Ampat to guide visitors who want to enjoy birdwatching and snorkeling. From my previous trips, I saw various species of coastal birds. One of them was Beach Kingfisher (Todiramphus saurophagus). This bird was quite big compared to Azure Kingfisher and Yellow-billed Kingfisher. Its calls were also unique. I could easily recognize the bird even when he was calling from behind thick branches, twigs and leaves of a tree.

One day I was standing on a hill near Port of Waisai town. I had been there photographing Willie Wagtail, Moustached Treeswift, Moluccan Starling, and Coconut Lorikeet. Suddenly, I saw a Beach Kingfisher landed on the naked branch of a tree that was very close to the beach. I quickly aimed my camera to the bird and pressed the shutter button several times. Although I could not get close up picture of the bird, I was quite satisfied with the result. At least it could be used in this post for identification purposes. written by Charles Roring

Sunday, February 11, 2018

King Bird of Paradise

King Bird of Paradise in Susnguakti forest
Manokwari - West Papua
I saw King Bird of Paradise (Cicinnurus regius) for the first time when I was guiding some European tourists in Klasow valley of Sorong regency. We spent 5 days/ 4 nights exploring the lowland rainforest in search of birds, wallaby, butterflies and colorful flowers. We saw two species of birds of paradise, i.e. Lesser Birds of Paradise (Paradisaea minor), and King Bird of Paradise. Unfortunately, the sighting of King BOP was not very good because the bird was sitting on the branch of a tree above our head.
King Bird of Paradise in Susnguakti Forest
Manokwari - West Papua
When I guided a Chinese lady, and a couple from Australia in Arfak mountains of Manokwari, we were able to watch King Bird of Paradise for about one hour. It was mating season and I was able to make some pictures of the paradise bird.
The size of the bird of quite small making it more difficult for us to spot it in high tree. Fortunately, the red and white colours of the bird were significantly contrast to the surrounding green color of the leaves. To help us spot the bird, I hired young boy from the village. Usually young boy has got sharper eyes than old birdwatchers like us.
The best place in Manokwari to watch King Bird of Paradise is Susnguakti forest. It is located in the eastern region of Arfak mountains. I and local villagers built basecamp for tourists who want to watch Lesser BOP, Magnificent Riflebird, and King BOP. Visitors usually spend 3 days/ 2 nights in the forest of Susnguakti to watch these paradise birds and other wild animals that live in lower montane forest of Arfak mountains. written by Charles Roring